How to update phone number in aadhar card online?How to update phone number in aadhar card online?

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Change phone number in aadhar card

To change your phone number on your aadhar card its easy way by following these simple steps:

  1. Open Aadhar appointment link: Aadhar Update

2. After visiting aadhar update or appointment site fill your mobile number and get otp and submit and continue.

Click Now

3. Then enter your real name int the name column as per your identity card,

4.Then add your adhar number to he column and select the options given for example , name update, gender update, date of birth update, address, phone number or anything you wanted to update or change in the aadhar card.

5. After choosing the-correct details choose submit and continue.

6. Then enter the phone number that you wanted to change and click agree and click submit.

7. Remind please note the application appointment acknowledgement number further need.

8. Click on book an appointment and choose proper aadhar enrollment center according to your nearest location.

9. Then select the date and time to visit the aadhar enrollment center as per your choice and click submit the application.

10. Final step download the given form after clicking on submit.

Thats it your online application for updating your phone number in aadhar card is successful. Now you can able to visit your aadhar enrollment center and provide your fingerprint ekyc verification or biometric verification needed. So please visit the aadhar enrollment centre along with the proper documents like sslc marks card, voter id , address proof etc needed by verification. 

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